Three Things Everyone Needs to Know About Programming

The kicker? You won’t find any code in this article.

Murtaza Ali
5 min readFeb 9, 2022
Photo by Fotis Fotopoulos on Unsplash

Computer science degrees are common these days. Heck, programming is common in any field, whether you like it or not. I have friends studying biology, mathematics, economics, media studies, and a range of other subjects — all of whom had to learn how to code at some point.

As computers continue to advance and expand, programming is becoming a universal language of communication. Someone on the other side of the world might not speak your natural language very well — but it’s perfectly possible that they understand your own code even better than you do.

With the digital age showing no signs of slowing down in the near future, there are a few things about programmers that people should know. And so, without further ado, let me get right into it.

Coders aren’t sorcerers

TV shows love to portray computer programmers as superhuman entities from above who type at the speed of light and can immediately locate any criminal in any location and possibly in any timeline. Most people probably suspect some form of exaggeration — but even then, folks tend to possess a misconstrued idea of what coders can actually do.



Murtaza Ali
Murtaza Ali

Written by Murtaza Ali

PhD student at the University of Washington. Interested in human-computer interaction, data visualization, and computer science education.

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